Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency Map

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| By Akash

Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency Map - File Information

Map NameLadakh Parliamentary Constituency Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.09 MB
PDF Size0.28 MB
JPG Size0.33 MB
PNG Size0.55 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2105 Pixels
Image Width1490 Pixels

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Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency Map - Summary

You can download the Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency Map in PDF, PNG, JPEG, WEBP, and many other formats. Ladakh is a union territory of India, formed on October 31, 2019, following the reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir.

The President of India administers Ladakh through a Lieutenant Governor, as it does not have a legislative assembly. The union territory is divided into two districts, Leh and Kargil, which have their autonomous district councils, the Leh Autonomous Hill Development Council and the Kargil Autonomous Hill Development Council.

You can check the Andaman & Nicobar Parliamentary Constituency Map and

These councils have domestic affairs, but Ladakh does not have a legislative assembly or a state legislative council. The union territory is under the jurisdiction of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court, which sits in Jammu and Srinagar. Law enforcement is the responsibility of the Ladakh Police, which is under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India.

Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency Map - Download Links

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