Nainital District Map

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| By Rajesh

Nainital District Map - File Information

Map NameNainital District Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height738 Pixels
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Nainital District Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Nainital district map of the Uttarakhand state in pdf, jpg, png, webp, and some other formats you can easily download the Nainital district map from here.

The district is one of the 13 districts of the Uttarakhand state, also the district is a district of the Kumaoun Division districts of the Uttarakhand state in India. In 1790, the Gorkhas overran Kumaon including the Nainital district, and held it for 24 a long time, until the British took it in 1814 amid the Anglo-Nepalese War.

The region came under direct British run show and was organized into the Nainital area in 1891 as the portion of the United Areas.
The important mythological reference to Nainital is as one of 64 ‘Shakti Peeths’.

These centers were made wherever parts of the charred body of Sati fell when Lord Shiva was carrying around her corpse in grief. It is said that the cleared-out eye ‘Nain’ of Sati fell here and this gave rise to the patron god of town Nainital.
It is said that the lake is shaped in an emerald eye shape. Naina Devi temple is found at the northern end of the lake. Hence the name Nainital derivated from Naina and the tal (Lake).

By using this map you can know more about the Nainital district in detail and deep, also you can this map for later.

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