Nepal Old Map

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Nepal Old Map - File Information

Map NameNepal Old Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.16 MB
PDF Size0.20 MB
JPG Size0.49 MB
PNG Size2.02 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1684 Pixels
Image Width1190 Pixels

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Nepal Old Map - Summary

You can download the Nepal old map in PNG, PDF, JPEG, and many other formats using the link given below.

Nepal has a rich prehistory, with legendary traditions of the Newar, the indigenous community of the Nepal Valley (now usually called Kathmandu Valley).

The region has substantial archaeological evidence of early Buddhist influence, including a famous column inscribed by Ashoka at Lumbini and several shrines in the valley.

Nepal remained closed to the outside world until a palace revolt in 1950 led to the restoration of the monarchy.

In 2008, after a decade-long period of violence and turbulent negotiation with a strong Maoist insurgency, the monarchy was dissolved, and Nepal was declared a democratic republic.

The modern-day Kingdom of Nepal was established in 1768 and started a campaign of unifying various territories.

After the death of Yaksha Malla, the valley was divided into three kingdoms: Kathmandu (Kantipur), Bhaktapur (Bhadgaon), and Patan (Lalitpur).

Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multiracial, multicultural, multi-religious, and multilingual country, with Nepali being the most spoken language.

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