North Eastern Railway Map

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| By Akash

North Eastern Railway Map - File Information

Map NameNorth Eastern Railway Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.55 MB
PDF Size8.91 MB
JPG Size1.48 MB
PNG Size3.59 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1656 Pixels
Image Width2160 Pixels

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North Eastern Railway Map - Summary

You can download the North Eastern Railway map in JPG, PDF, PNG, WEBP, and many other formats. The North Eastern Railway (NER) is one of the 18 railway zones of Indian Railways, headquartered at Gorakhpur.

Formed on April 14, 1952, NER initially consisted of two railway systems – the Oudh and Tirhut Railway and Assam Railway. Later, the Cawnpore–Barabanki Railway was transferred to NER on February 27, 1953.

After the reorganization of Railway Zones in 2002, NER now comprises three divisions: Varanasi, Lucknow, and Izzatnagar.

NER operates across a vast geographical expanse, stretching from the western part of Uttar Pradesh toward eastern Uttar Pradesh and beyond, encompassing various culturally and economically significant regions. NER manages 3,402.46 route kilometers with 486 stations.

Additionally, NER plays a strategic role in connecting the Seven Sister States of Northeastern India, contributing to the nation’s security and economic development.

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