Oceania Physical Map

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| By Rajesh

Oceania Physical Map - File Information

Map NameOceania Physical Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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PNG Size5.91 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2485 Pixels
Image Width3840 Pixels

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Oceania Physical Map - Summary

We are providing the Oceania physical map in PDF, WEBP, JPG, and PNG formats. For downloading the Oceania Physical map go with the given link below.

Oceania is a vast region comprising thousands of islands in the Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Samoa, and many others. The physical geography of Oceania is shifted, with a range of scenes, counting mountains, volcanoes, coral reefs, and tropical rainforests.

List of all countries’ names of Oceania

  • Australia
  • Micronesia
  • Fiji
  • Kiribati
  • Solomon Islands
  • Tonga
  • Tuvalu
  • Marshall Islands
  • Nauru
  • New Zealand
  • Palau
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Samoa
  • Vanuatu

Great Dividing Range: The Incredible Separating Range is a mountain extend that runs parallel to the east coast of Australia, crossing over 3,500 kilometers. The run incorporates various crests, counting Australia’s most noteworthy mountain, Mount Kosciuszko. The Extraordinary Isolating Extend has had a critical effect on Australia’s climate and ecology, with the eastern side of the range accepting much more precipitation than the western side.

The Outback: The Australian Outback is a vast, arid region that covers much of the interior of the continent. The region is characterized by its red dirt, rough scenes, and unique vegetation and fauna, counting kangaroos, emus, and leaves plants like spinifex and acacia.

Coral Reefs: Oceania is home to some of the foremost extensive and different coral reefs in the world, counting the Awesome Obstruction Reef off the coast of Australia, which is the largest coral reef system in the world. Coral reefs are basic ecosystems that support a wide range of marine life, counting angle, turtles, and sharks.

Volcanoes: Oceania is home to numerous active and dormant volcanoes, counting Mount Taranaki in New Zealand, Mount Yasur in Vanuatu, and Mount Agung in Bali. Volcanic eruptions in Oceania have formed the region’s landscapes and have had critical impacts on the neighboring communities.

Rainforests: Oceania is domestic to some of the world’s most broad tropical rainforests, counting the Daintree Rainforest in Australia, the Sepik River Basin in Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. These rainforests are domestic to a tremendous cluster of plant and animal species, counting the iconic kangaroo and koala in Australia.

The physical geography of Oceania is assorted and interesting, with a run of scenes that have formed the region’s culture, history, and economy. The region’s natural assets, counting its coral reefs, rainforests, and minerals, have played a noteworthy part in the development of Oceania’s economies and societies.

The physical map of Oceania helps you to know more about Oceania physical in detail. You can also check the South America political map and the Afghanistan Administrative map.

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