Pithoragarh District Map

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| By Rajesh

Pithoragarh District Map - File Information

Map NamePithoragarh District Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.21 MB
PDF Size0.33 MB
JPG Size0.33 MB
PNG Size2.61 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1704 Pixels
Image Width1490 Pixels
Official Source / Creditswww.uttarakhand-tourism.com

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Pithoragarh District Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Pithoragarh district map of the Uttarakhand state in pdf, jpg, png, and some other formats then you can download the Pithoragarh district map easily from here.The Pithoragarh district is one of the Kumaoun Division districts, and the district is one of the 13 districts of the Uttarakhand state government in India. Pithoragarh became a district on 24th Feb. 1960, a sizeable section of Almora district was carved into Pithoragarh district containing extreme border areas with its headquarters in Pithoragarh town.

There are some popular tourist places in the Pithorgarh district are Nakuleshwara Temple, Jhulaghat, Askot Sanctuary, Chaukori, Narayan Ashram, Patal Bhuvaneshwar, Chandak, Naini Saini Airport, Thal Kedar, and London Fort are the main attraction in the district of the Uttarakhand state in India.By using this map you can know more about the Pithorgarh district in detail and deep, also you can save this map for later.

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