Prayagraj City Map

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| By Rajesh

Prayagraj City Map - File Information

Map NamePrayagraj City Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height973 Pixels
Image Width840 Pixels

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Prayagraj City Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Prayagraj city map in PDF, PNG, WEBP, and JPG formats. You can download the city map of Prayagraj by using the given link below.

Prayagraj is a city located in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, arranged at the conversion of the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers. It is additionally known as Allahabad, the name which was changed to Prayagraj in 2018 by the state government.

Prayagraj has a wealthy and different history that dates back to old times. It has been an imperative center of religion, culture, and instruction since the Vedic period. The city was moreover a noteworthy political and authoritative center amid the Mughal Domain and the British Raj. Prayagraj is popular for facilitating the Kumbh Mela, a major Hindu pilgrimage and celebration, which pulls in millions of devotees every 12 years.

Geography and Climate:
Prayagraj covers an area of approximately 70.5 square kilometers and is arranged at a height of 98 meters above sea level. The climate is classified as a sticky subtropical climate, with hot summers and cool winters. The average temperature in summers ranges from 30°C to 45°C, whereas in winters, it ranges from 5°C to 15°C.

Culture and Attractions:
Prayagraj encompasses a rich cultural legacy and is known for its temples, verifiable landmarks, and galleries. The city is home to the Allahabad Fortification, which was built by Head Akbar in 1583 and is a UNESCO World Legacy Location. Other eminent attractions incorporate the Khusro Bagh, Anand Bhawan, Allahabad Museum, and the Triveni Sangam, the sacrosanct conversion of the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers. Prayagraj is additionally celebrated for its literary and creative conventions, counting the Prayagraj Kala Kendra and the Akhil Bharatiya Kalidas Samaroh.

Education and Economy:
Prayagraj is an important center for instruction and is home to a few prestigious educate, including the University of Allahabad, Motilal Nehru National Established of Innovation, Indian Founded of Data Innovation, and the Indian Institute of Innovation. The city is additionally an imperative center for exchange and commerce, with industries such as horticulture, crafted works, and materials.

Prayagraj is well-connected to other parts of India by road, rail, and air. The city has a major railroad station, Allahabad Junction, which interfaces it to all major cities in India. The city also has an airport, Bamrauli Airport, which is found roughly 12 kilometers from the city center. Prayagraj also contains a well-developed road network, with several national interstates passing through the city.

Prayagraj is a socially wealthy and generally noteworthy city, known for its sanctuaries, historical landmarks, and the Kumbh Mela. It is additionally a critical center for instruction and commerce, with well-developed transportation organized and interfacing to other parts of India.

The Prayagraj city map helps you to know more about the city in detail. You can also check the Banaras city map and the Agra city map.

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