Pushkar Development Map

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| By Rajesh

Pushkar Development Map - File Information

Map NamePushkar Development Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size2.11 MB
PDF Size3.65 MB
JPG Size3.77 MB
PNG Size2.73 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height3179 Pixels
Image Width4494 Pixels
Official Source / Creditsurban.rajasthan.gov.in

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Pushkar Development Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Pushkar development map in PDF, JPG, PNG, WEBP, and some other formats. You are in the right place we are providing here the development map of Pushkar that you can easily download from here.

This development project is provided by the Ajmer Development Authority. You can also check Ajmer development plan map and Ajmer district map issued by the same authority.

Pushkar development plan map shows the following things

The Municipal Boundary
National Highways
Collector Road
Railway Lines
Railway Stations
Bus Stands
Tehsil Boundary
Village Boundary
Water Bodies
ADA Pushkar Zone

The history of Pushkar Lake dates back to the 4th Century BC. Spite of the fact that the creation of Pushkar Lake as an artificial lake began in the 12th century when a dam was built over the Luni river.

Guru Govind Singh is said to have given a sacred speech of the Guru Granth Sahib at the Bank of the Lake. The city of Pushkar is home to it where the temple that is committed to Lord Brahma within the entire world.

Hindus consider travel to Pushkar to be an ultimate journey that must be undertaken to attain salvation.

This development helps you to know more about the Pushkar in detail. You can easily save this map for later easily from here.

Pushkar Development Map - Download Links

  • WEBP 2.11MB
  • PDF 3.65MB
  • JPG 3.77MB
  • PNG 2.73MB
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