Serbia on World Map

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| By Rajesh

Serbia on World Map - File Information

Map Name Serbia on World Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.40 MB
PDF Size0.80 MB
JPG Size0.86 MB
PNG Size4.85 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height3769 Pixels
Image Width3449 Pixels
Category World

Serbia on World Map - Preview

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Serbia on World Map - Summary

If you want to download Serbia on World Map in PNG, PDF, JPG, and WEBP formats. You have to need to go through the given link below, you can easily download Serbia on the world map.

Located in southeastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula, Serbia is a landlocked country sharing borders with a few neighboring countries. The country is bordered from the north by Hungary, to the east by Romania and Bulgaria, to the south and North by Macedonia, and to the west by Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. The country ranges 77,474 square kilometers and has an estimated population of 6.9 million individuals. Belgrade arranged in the northern portion of the nation, is the capital and biggest city, lying on the banks of the Danube and Sava rivers.

Serbia’s territory is different and incorporates mountains, plains, and valleys. The northern portion of the country is transcendently level, whereas the southern region is mountainous, with the Dinaric Alps spanning across the western and southwestern areas. The most elevated point in Serbia is the peak of Midzor, standing at a height of 2,169 meters (7,116 feet) above sea level.

The country’s climate is additionally varied, with a continental climate winning in the northern part and a more Mediterranean climate in the south. Summers are regularly hot and dry, while winters are cold and snowy.

Serbia encompasses a wealthy history dating back to old times, having been a portion of the Roman and Byzantine empires before falling beneath Ottoman run show in the 15th century. The nation picked up freedom in the 19th century and has experienced noteworthy political and financial changes since then.  Serbia is a part of different international organizations and encompasses an essentially industrial and agricultural economy, with a center on car manufacturing, nourishment processing, and information technology.

By using the Serbia map you will know more about the country, you can also check the Hungary map and Bulgaria map.

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