The Gambia Map

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| By Rajesh

The Gambia Map - File Information

Map NameThe Gambia Map
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Image Height1234 Pixels
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The Gambia Map - Summary

We are providing the Gambia Country Map in PDF, JPG, WEBP, and PNG formats. For downloading the country map of the Gambia go with the given link below.

The Gambia, officially known as the Republic of The Gambia, could be a little nation found in West Africa, encompassed by Senegal on three sides and the Atlantic Sea to the west. Here are some points of interest approximately The Gambia:

Geology: The Gambia is the smallest nation on the territory of Africa, covering a range of fair 11,295 square kilometers (4,361 square miles). The Gambia Stream flows through the nation, giving a source of irrigation and transportation. The populace of The Gambia is roughly 2.3 million people.

Climate: The Gambia features a tropical climate, with a dry season from November to May and a blustery season from June to October. Temperatures are generally reliable throughout the year, extending from 25-32°C (77-90°F).

Population: The majority of the populace in the Gambia are of Mandinka ethnicity, with smaller bunches of Fula, Wolof, Jola, and Serahuli individuals. The official dialect is English, but numerous people also speak nearby languages such as Mandinka, Wolof, and Fula.

Religion: The majority of the populace in the Gambia practices Islam, with few minorities practicing Christianity and traditional African religions.

Economy: The Gambia is one of the poorest nations in the world, with a basically agricultural-based economy. Most crops developed in the nation incorporate peanuts, rice, and millet. The Gambia moreover features a developing tourism industry, with its sandy beaches and nature saves pulling in guests from around the world.

Politics: The Gambia is a presidential republic, with the president as the head of state and government. The current president of The Gambia is Adama Pushcart, who took office in 2017 after vanquishing longtime ruler Yahya Jammeh with the presidential decision.

Culture: The Gambia encompasses a wealthy social legacy, with conventional music, dance, and narrating playing a critical part in lifestyle. The nation is known for its dynamic marketplaces, where sellers offer colorful materials, adornments, and makes. Football (soccer) is the foremost well-known wear within The Gambia.

Human Rights: The Gambia has been criticized for its human rights record, including limitations on the flexibility of discourse and the press, self-assertive detainment, and police brutality. However, since the decision of President Barrow in 2017, there have been some positive steps toward change and greater regard for human rights.

Challenges: The Gambia faces various challenges, counting destitution, tall unemployment rates, and restricted access to instruction and healthcare. The nation is additionally helpless to climate change and natural debasement, which can have annihilating impacts on its agrarian division and the livelihoods of its people.

The Country map of Gambia helps you to know more about the country in detail. You can also check the French Polynesia map and the French Southern and Antarctic Lands map.

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