United State Map

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United State Map - File Information

Map Name United State Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height5610 Pixels
Image Width9152 Pixels
Category World

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United State Map - Summary

You can see a map of the United States with all its states. The United States is a country located primarily in North America consisting of 50 states, one federal district, five major unincorporated territories, nine smaller outer islands, and 326 Indian reservations.

It is the third largest country in the world in terms of both land and total area. It shares land borders with Canada to the north and Mexico to the south and has maritime borders with the Bahamas, Cuba, Russia, and other countries.

With a population of over 333 million, it is the most populous country in the Americas and the third most populous country in the world.

List of United States Name with Capitals

US States US Capital
Alabama Montgomery
Alaska Juneau
Arizona Phoenix
Arkansas Little Rock
California Sacramento
Colorado Denver
Connecticut Hartford
Delaware Dover
Florida Tallahassee
Georgia Atlanta
Hawaii Honolulu
Idaho Boise
Illinois Springfield
Indiana Indianapolis
Iowa Des Moines
Kansas Topeka
Kentucky Frankfort
Louisiana Baton Rouge
Maine Augusta
Maryland Annapolis
Massachusetts Boston
Michigan Lansing
Minnesota Saint Paul
Mississippi Jackson
Missouri Jefferson City
Montana Helena
Nebraska Lincoln
Nevada Carson City
New Hampshire Concord
New Jersey Trenton
New Mexico Santa Fe
New York Albany
North Carolina Raleigh
North Dakota Bismarck
Ohio Columbus
Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Oregon Salem
Pennsylvania Harrisburg
Rhode Island Providence
South Carolina Columbia
South Dakota Pierre
Tennessee Nashville
Texas Austin
Utah Salt Lake City
Vermont Montpelier
Virginia Richmond
Washington Olympia
West Virginia Charleston
Wisconsin Madison
Wyoming Cheyenne

Washington, D.C., the national capital of the United States New York City is its most populous city and major financial center. The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of area (after Russia, Canada, and China).

You can check https://www.usa.gov/ and North America Map.

English is the official language of the United States but there is no official national language. Ethnic groups are diverse in the United States, with White Americans being the largest racial group, followed by Black Americans and Asian Americans.

Christianity is the largest religion in the United States of America followed by atheism.

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