Canada Map

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| By Rajesh

Canada Map - File Information

Map NameCanada Map
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Canada Map - Summary

We are providing the Canada country map in PDF, WEBP, PNG, and JPG formats. To download the country map of Canada go with the given link below.

Canada is a vast North American country with a populace of over 38 million individuals. It is the world’s second-largest nation by land area and offers the longest border in the world with the United States to the south. The capital city is Ottawa, and the official languages are English and French.

Canada has a total land zone of 9.98 million square kilometers (3.85 million square miles) and is isolated into 10 provinces and three regions. It incorporates diverse geology, counting mountains, forests, prairies, lakes, and rivers. The nation is additionally known for its Arctic region, which is home to polar bears and other unique wildlife.

As of 2021, the population of Canada is evaluated to be over 38 million individuals. The majority of the population is concentrated in urban ranges, with Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver being the biggest cities. Canada is a multicultural nation, with significant populations of immigrants from around the world, especially from Asia and Europe.

Canada’s economy is assorted and incorporates businesses such as characteristic resources (including oil, gas, and minerals), fabricating, and services. The country features a tall standard of living, a well-developed foundation, and a strong social safety net. Canada is additionally known for its healthcare framework, which provides universal scope to all residents.

Canada’s culture is a blend of European, Indigenous, and immigrant conventions. The nation is known for its multiculturalism and resilience, with a strong commitment to human rights and uniformity. Canadian cuisine varies by region but incorporates dishes such as poutine (french fries topped with cheese curds and gravy) and maple syrup, which is a major export.

Canada is a prevalent visitor destination, known for its characteristic magnificence and outdoor amusement opportunities. Some of the most prevalent attractions incorporate Banff National Park in the Rocky Mountains, Niagara Falls, the historic city of Quebec, and the coastal city of Vancouver. The nation is additionally known for its winter sports, with well-known ski resorts such as Whistler and Mont Tremblant.

Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional government, with the British ruler serving as the ceremonial head of state. The nation encompasses a government system of government, with control shared between the government and the provinces and territories.

Canada is a vast and different country with a solid economy, a wealthy social legacy, and a commitment to human rights and equality. Its normal magnificence and outdoor diversion openings make it a prevalent traveler goal, and its multiculturalism and tolerance make it a welcoming put for immigrants from around the world.

Using the Canada country map you will know more about Canada country in detail. You can also check the Ghana map and the RRR Road map.

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