Bareilly Old Map

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Bareilly Old Map - File Information

Map Name Bareilly Old Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
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PNG Size3.56 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height2105 Pixels
Image Width1487 Pixels
Category India

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Bareilly Old Map - Summary

You can download the Bareilly old map in PDF, PNG, JPEG, JPG, and many other formats. Old Bareilly refers to the historical city of Bareilly, which was founded in 1537 by Jagat Singh Katehriya, a Rajput who named it Bareilly after his two sons Bansaldev and Baraldev.

The city has a rich history, with archaeological remains of the ancient fortress city of Ahicchattra in Bareilly serving as a seat of the influential Empire.

The city has also been associated with the activities of Pravahana Jaivali, Gargayayana, Uddalaka, and other prominent figures in ancient India.

During the Mughal period, Bareilly was ruled by a Mughal general named Mukund Rai in 1657. Later, the region became the capital of the Rohilkhand region before being handed over to the Nawab Vazir of Awadh and then to the British East India Company.

Bareilly played an active role in the fight for India’s independence, with the Indian National Congress coming into prominence during the Khilafat movement.

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