Argentina on World Map

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| By Rajesh

Argentina on World Map - File Information

Map NameArgentina on World Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
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PNG Size1.93 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1600 Pixels
Image Width1104 Pixels

Argentina on World Map - Preview

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Argentina on World Map - Summary

We provide the Argentina country map on the world map in PDF, PNG, JPG, and WEBP formats. For downloading the country map of Argentina go with the given link below.

Argentina is a country located in the southern portion of South America, bordering Chile to the west, Bolivia, and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south.

Argentina is the eighth biggest country in the world by arrival zone and the moment largest in South America after Brazil. Its assorted topography ranges from the Andes mountain range in the west to the fertile fields of the Pampas in the east, and from the tropical timberlands of the north to the glaciers and lakes of Patagonia in the south.

Argentina is known for its dynamic culture, wealthy history, and excellent scenes. The capital city, Buenos Aires, is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a European feel, known for its architecture, craftsmanship, tango, and culinary scene. Other major cities in Argentina include Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza, and Mar del Plata.

Argentina is additionally known for its common excellence, counting the magnificent Iguazu Falls, the Andes mountains, the glaciers of Patagonia, and the lakes of the Lake District. The country is additionally domestic to an assortment of wildlife, counting panthers, llamas, guanacos, and the Andean condor.

The economy of Argentina is the third biggest in Latin America, with a diversified industrial and agricultural sector. The country is a major maker and exporter of agricultural items such as soybeans, wheat, corn, and hamburger. Argentina is additionally known for its wine industry, with the Malbec grape being one of its most famous exports.

Argentina is a multicultural country with a populace of over 45 million people, with the lion’s share being of European plunge. The official language is Spanish, and the predominant religion is Roman Catholicism.

Argentina has a wealthy history, with innate individuals living in the region for thousands of years before the entry of European pilgrims in the 16th century. The nation picked up freedom from Spain in 1816 and has since gone through periods of political insecurity and financial turmoil, counting the celebrated period of Peronism in the mid-20th century.

Nowadays, Argentina is a democratic nation with a federal government and a solid accentuation on social welfare and human rights. It is a well-known destination for visitors from around the world, who come to involve its culture, nourishment, common excellence, and hospitality.

The country map of Argentina helps you to know more about the country in detail. You can also check the Croatia on World map and the North America map.

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