Buddha Map Uttar Pradesh

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| By Rajesh

Buddha Map Uttar Pradesh - File Information

Map NameBuddha Map Uttar Pradesh
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.05 MB
PDF Size0.05 MB
JPG Size0.04 MB
PNG Size0.26 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height567 Pixels
Image Width529 Pixels

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Buddha Map Uttar Pradesh - Summary

We are providing the Buddha map of Uttar Pradesh in PDF, PNG, WEBP, and JPG formats.  For downloading the Buddha map of Uttar Pradesh go with the given link below.

Buddha Map Uttar Pradesh is a map that shows the different important Buddhist pilgrimage destinations and tourist attractions located within the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Uttar Pradesh is a critical state for Buddhists because it is home to several destinations that are related to the life and lessons of Gautama Buddha.

Some of the key Buddhist pilgrimage sites and tourist attractions that are included on the Buddha Map Uttar Pradesh are

Sarnath: Sarnath is a small town located near Varanasi, and is considered to be the place where Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon after attaining illumination. The town is home to several imperative Buddhist sites, counting the Dhamek Stupa, the Mulagandha Kuti Vihara, and the Ashoka Pillar.

Kushinagar: Kushinagar is the put where Gautama Buddha is believed to have accomplished Parinirvana, or the last enlightenment. The town is home to a few critical Buddhist sites, counting the Mahaparinirvana Temple and the Ramabhar Stupa.

Shravasti: Shravasti is a small town located close to the Nepal border, and is believed to be the put where Gautama Buddha spent a year teaching and spreading his message. The town is home to a few imperative Buddhist sites, counting the Anathapindika Stupa and the Jetavana Cloister.

Kapilvastu: Kapilvastu is the put where Gautama Buddha was born and went through the early years of his life. The town is located near the border with Nepal and is home to several critical Buddhist sites, counting the Maya Devi Sanctuary and the Kapilvastu Museum.

Lumbini: Lumbini is a small town located in Nepal, but is included on the Buddha Map Uttar Pradesh because it is the put where Gautama Buddha was born. The town is home to a few imperative Buddhist destinations, counting the Maya Devi Temple and the Ashoka Pillar.

The Buddha Map Uttar Pradesh is an imperative asset for Buddhists and sightseers who are curious about investigating the wealthy social legacy of Buddhism in India. It gives a comprehensive guide to the different journey destinations and visitor attractions that are found in Uttar Pradesh and the encompassing region and makes a difference for guests to arrange their schedules and explore the region.

You can also check the Prayagraj city map and the Banaras city map.

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