Crop Rotation Panipat District Map

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| By Rajesh

Crop Rotation Panipat District Map - File Information

Map NameCrop Rotation Panipat District Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.16 MB
PDF Size0.20 MB
JPG Size0.21 MB
PNG Size0.94 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height671 Pixels
Image Width1024 Pixels
Official Source /

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Crop Rotation Panipat District Map - Summary

The Panipat district crop rotation map in pdf, png, jpg, and many other formats download from here. This map shows crops area with symbols like Rice-Wheat is denoted by green color; Suagrbase denoted red color; Rice-other crops denoted by light purple color; Other-crops Wheat denoted by pink color; Bajra, Gwar, and Jwar denoted light green; Rice-follow denoted by light pink; Bajra, Jwar, and Gwar-follow denoted by light gold color; Bajra-follow Mustard denoted by Dark green color; Other rotation denoted by blue color; and Non-Agricultural Area denoted by brown color.

This map helps you to understand the district crop rotation map in deep and fast.

Crop Rotation Panipat District Map - Download Links

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