Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project Map

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| By Rajesh

Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project Map - File Information

Map Name Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project Map
Available Formats WEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.15 MB
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PNG Size0.36 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height598 Pixels
Image Width849 Pixels
Category Master Plans

Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project Map - Preview

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Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project Map - Summary

We are providing here the Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project Map in PDF, JPG, PNG, and some other formats. You are in the right place, you can download the Orbital Rail Corridor project map of Haryana by using the given link below.

Project map of Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor showing

  • Haryana Orbital
  • Rail Corridor
  • KMP Expressway
  • Existing Railway Line
  • DFC
  • National Highway
  • State Highway

A proposed railway line venture called the Haryana Orbital Rail Passage points to put through towns and cities in the northern Indian state of Haryana while decreasing travel time and clogging the existing rail organization.

The 122-kilometer-long passage will serve as a devoted cargo hallway, passing through mechanical towns and centers like Kundli, Manesar, and Farukhnagar, with different goad lines interfacing with different mechanical bequests and coordination parks. Its advancement is overseen by the Haryana Rail Foundation Improvement Organization (HRIDC), a joint wander between the Indian Railroads and the Government of Haryana, and is anticipated to boost fabricating and coordination segments within the locale, producing critical work openings.

The venture is the portion of the bigger Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Hallway (DMIC) extend, a mega-infrastructure activity pointed at setting up a vigorous mechanical base in the locale, covering a add up to a length of around 1,500 kilometers, which incorporates the advancement of mechanical clusters, coordinations parks, savvy cities, and other foundation facilities along the passage.

By giving proficient and solid transportation of merchandise and crude materials between various mechanical center points within the locale, the Haryana Orbital Rail Passage is anticipated to play a pivotal part in the success of the DMIC project.

The Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project map helps you to know more about the project in detail. You can also check the Delhi tourist map and the Haryana state map in Hindi.

Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor Project Map - Download Links

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