Kozhikode Map

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| By Rajesh

Kozhikode Map - File Information

Map NameKozhikode Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.16 MB
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PNG Size0.48 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height952 Pixels
Image Width649 Pixels

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Kozhikode Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Kozhikode district map in JPG, PNG, WEBP, and PDF formats. To download the district map of Kozhikode go through the given link below.

Kozhikode district is located in the state of Kerala, India. It is one of the 14 districts of Kerala and is arranged in the southwestern part of the state. The district has a total area of 2,206 square kilometers and a populace of over 34 lakh individuals.

Kozhikode district is known for its wealthy history, culture, and natural excellence. The district was a major center of exchange and commerce during the ancient and medieval periods and was ruled by different dynasties, including the Chera, Pandya, and Vijayanagara empires. The district is additionally known for its part in the Indian freedom development, with the notable Salt Satyagraha being propelled from the district in 1930.

The district is home to a few well-known visitor destinations, counting Kappad Beach, Beypore Beach, and Thusharagiri Waterfalls. The Kozhikode beach is additionally a popular attraction and is known for its scenic beauty and notable significance.

Kozhikode is additionally known for its wealthy social legacy, with a few conventional craftsmanship forms, counting Kathakali, Thullal, and Theyyam, being practiced in the region. The locale is additionally popular for its cooking, which incorporates an assortment of fish and traditional dishes like biriyani, appam, and puttu.

In terms of education, Kozhikode is home to a few prestigious education, counting the Indian Organized of Administration (IIM) Kozhikode, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, and the Government Medical College, Kozhikode. The district also has a well-developed healthcare system, with several hospitals and healthcare centers.

The economy of Kozhikode is essentially based on farming and fisheries, with crops like coconut, rubber, and pepper being imperative sources of income. The district is additionally known for its handloom industry, with a few conventional materials being delivered in the region. The tourism industry is additionally a significant supporter of the economy, with guests drawn to the district’s common excellence and social legacy.

The Kozhikode district is a dynamic and socially wealthy locale of Kerala, with a differing economy and a solid emphasis on education and healthcare.

The Kozhikode district map helps you to know more about the district in detail. You can also save this map for the later form here. You can also check the Malappuram map and the Palakkad district map.

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