Surajkund Mela Map

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| By Rajesh

Surajkund Mela Map - File Information

Map NameSurajkund Mela Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.21 MB
PDF Size0.24 MB
JPG Size0.24 MB
PNG Size1.38 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height664 Pixels
Image Width1024 Pixels

Surajkund Mela Map - Preview

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Surajkund Mela Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Surajkund Mela map of Faridabad city in Haryana state in pdf, jpg, thumbnail, png, and some other formats then you are in the right place we are providing here the Surajkund Mela map that you can easily download from here.
This map shows:-
The Choupal
Mini Choupal
Foreign Nation Area
Chief Administrator Mela Authority
Media Center
Natya Shala
Apna Ghar of Haryana
Apna Ghar of Theme State
Multi Cuisine Haveli
Main Food Court
Theme State Pavillon
Commercial Stall
Design Galleries Complex
This fair was first begun in 1987. Traditional experts (artists, painters, weavers, and sculptors) from all parts of the nation take part in this yearly celebration named the “Surajkund Crafts Mela” or “Surajkund designer’s Village”.
The Surajkund Mela is special because it showcases the richness and differing qualities of the handicrafts, handlooms, and social fabric of India, & is the largest makes fair in the world.
By using this map you will know more about the Surajkund Mela in detail before visiting it, and you can easily make plans for how and where you can easily visit Surajkund Mela before going there.

Surajkund Mela Map - Download Links

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