Colombia Map

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| By Rajesh

Colombia Map - File Information

Map NameColombia Map
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No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1246 Pixels
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Colombia Map - Summary

If you are looking for the Colombia country map in PDF, PNG, WEBP, and PNG formats. For downloading the Colombia country map go with the given link below.

The Colombia Country Map. This map shows the ‘Bogota’ capital of the country, major cities as well as parts of surrounding countries and the North Pacific Ocean.

Colombia is a country situated in the northwestern region of South America. It is bordered by Panama to the north, Venezuela to the east, Brazil to the southeast, Peru and Ecuador to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The nation covers an area of 1,141,748 square kilometers and features a populace of around 50 million individuals.

Geography: Colombia incorporates a different scene that incorporates the Andes mountain range, the Amazon rainforest, the Pacific and Caribbean coastlines, and the Orinoco savanna. The nation has a tropical climate, with varieties depending on the elevation and location.

Culture: Colombia contains a wealthy social legacy, affected by indigenous, African, and European conventions. The nation is known for its vibrant music and dance scene, counting salsa, cumbia, and reggaeton. Colombian cuisine is additionally differing and flavorful, with well-known dishes such as arepas, empanadas, and bandeja paisa.

Languages: The official language of Colombia is Spanish. A few inborn languages are moreover spoken in the nation, counting Quechua and Wayuunaiki.

Economy: Colombia is the fourth-largest economy in Latin America, driven by its oil and mining divisions, as well as its fabricating and service industries. The nation is additionally a major maker of coffee and blossoms, which are major exports.

Tourist attractions: Colombia has a few visitor attractions that offer visitors a glimpse of the country’s different culture and normal magnificence.

Some of the prevalent visitor attractions in Colombia are:

Cartagena: A colonial city found on the Caribbean coast, Cartagena is known for its memorable engineering, colorful boulevards, and energetic nightlife.

Medellin: A modern and vibrant city found in the Andes, Medellin is known for its galleries, craftsmanship galleries, and social occasions.

Tayrona National Park: A secured area located on the Caribbean coast, Tayrona National Park is known for its excellent shorelines, coral reefs, and dense forests.

Cocora Valley: A beautiful valley located in the Andes, Cocora Valley is known for its towering wax palm trees, climbing trails, and pleasant scenes.

San Agustin Archaeological Park: A UNESCO World Legacy location found in southern Colombia, San Agustin Archaeological Park is known for its ancient statues, tombs, and other artifacts.

Colombia is an assorted and interesting country with a wealthy social legacy and staggering normal magnificence. While it has confronted challenges in the past, counting medicate trafficking and political instability, it has made critical advances in recent years and has become an increasingly prevalent visitor destination.

Using the country map of Colombia, you will know more about the country in detail. You can also check the Cocos (Keeling) Island map and the Clipperton Island map.

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