Gorakhpur Location Map

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| By Akash

Gorakhpur Location Map - File Information

Map NameGorakhpur Location Map
Available FormatsWEBPPDFJPGPNG
WEBP Size0.09 MB
PDF Size0.44 MB
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PNG Size0.75 MB
No. of Pages in PDF1
Image Height1176 Pixels
Image Width1207 Pixels

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Gorakhpur Location Map - Summary

You can download the Gorakhpur location map in PDF, PNG, JPG, WEBP, and many other formats. Gorakhpur may be a city found within the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, arranged along the banks of the Rapti Waterway within the Purvanchal locale.

It is situated 272 kilometers east of the state capital, Lucknow. Gorakhpur serves as the regulatory central command of the Gorakhpur district, North Eastern Railway Zone, and Gorakhpur division.

The city is known for being domestic to the Gorakhnath Math, a noticeable sanctuary devoted to Gorakhnath. Moreover, Gorakhpur houses an Indian Discuss Drive station built in 1963 and Gita Press, the world’s biggest distributer of Hindu devout writings like Ramayana and Mahabharat.

Geologically, Gorakhpur is approximately 100 kilometers from the Nepal border, 193 kilometers from Varanasi, 260 kilometers from Patna, and 270 kilometers from Lucknow. The city encounters a dry-winter muggy subtropical climate with normal temperatures extending from 18°C in winter to 40°C in summer.

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